How To Earn
What do you earn for your recorded activities
Last updated
What do you earn for your recorded activities
Last updated
We reward users based on the distance of your recorded activity. An activity has to have a distance of over 200m. Our rewards formula favours activities around the 8km mark. This is the average commuting distance for most people to Work, School, Shops etc.
We reward users based on 2 activities within the last 24 hours. For example you could record your journey to work in the morning, and from work to home in the evening. You could also record your journey to college and home again each day!
The amount you earn is also based on your profile level within the app, the more activities you do over time the higher your profile level and potential rewards will become! Rewards are also scaled by user demand see Demand Based Rewards
At the highest profile level the potential rewards for a single activity are:
We encourage people to make everyday journeys using human power! If your a super fit cyclist doing 40km rides, unfortunately you will actually earn less! Our philosophy is to reward on those everyday activities! We also favour activities that are commuting journeys rather than exercise, see Commute vs Exercise
In summary!
2 activities per day can be rewarded
A minimum of 200m is needed for an activity to qualify
We favour activities around the 8km mark
Your profile level affects the maximum rewards you can earn
If your activity is classified as commute or exercise affects its rewards