Demand Based Rewards
We want rewards to be available no matter where you live, all week long
What is it
Green Commuter is global, and as such needs to distribute its available funds over the different timezones and continents we have. The apps funds are limited per day, and that limit is divided across the globe to ensure funds are available where our users are. To ensure that funds are available throughout the day and week, rewards are scaled by user demand.
Global Budgets
Each week the app receives its funds from VeBetterDAO, these funds are made available to each continent on the planet, with a daily limit per continent. The share of the weekly funds made available to each continent is reviewed regularly to make sure its fair to everyone.
For example, lets say the weekly funds from VeBetterDAO are 90,000 b3tr. After expenses are deducted lets assume this is 70,000 b3tr available for users. This is then divided by 7 (as its weekly) so the app has overall 10,000 b3tr available per day. This is then divided as a daily limit, between the continents for example as:
Asia : 5000
Africa : 1500
Europe: 1500
North America: 1000
South America: 500
Oceania : 500
This split is reviewed weekly to ensure fairness to all users.
Demand Based Scaling
To ensure the app keeps within its budgets, rewards are scaled by demand. In periods of high demand, rewards are scaled down and in periods of low demand they go back to normal. You are advised to check the demand and budget charts from the user dashboard to make your choice of when to claim your rewards.
Demand And Budget Charts
From the user dashboard you can navigate to view the remaining daly budget and demand charts for your region, for example:
In periods of high demand rewards will be scaled down to meet demand, and in periods of low demand rewards will be scaled back to normal. This is to ensure that the app is keeping within its daily budget but also everyone gets something, rather than running out.
This means you will have to choose when to claim your rewards carefully!
What if Limits are Reached?
If the daily reward limits are reached then these reset at midnight GMT each day. You can help us get more funds $$ see Support Us
What if Limits aren't Reached?
If by the end of the week a continent's limits haven't been reached its limit for the next week may be reviewed and reduced so that additional funds are moved to other continents.
What Profile Levels are Exempt?
The following profile levels are exempt from the daily rewards limits, but not exempt from demand scaling:
Last updated